Ecoles thématiques CNRS / CNRS Summer Schools

Enaction et sciences cognitives / Enaction and Cognitive Science

Ecole 2007 : du 7 au 17 septembre 2007 - Fréjus (France)


Anne Bationo

Status Chercheur en ergonomie
University / Laboratory Orange labs Recherche et Développement - 38 rue du Général Leclerc -92 794 Issy Les Moulineaux
Email anne.bationo (a)
Laboratory website  
Personnal website  
Special information(s)

Bationo-Tillon A., Kahn, J. (2007). Les artefacts transitionnels : une proposition pour analyser
l'activité narrative in situ. In P. Salembier & M. Zacklad (Eds.), Annotations dans les documents pour l'action (pp. 127-152). Paris, France : Hermès.

Bationo-Tillon A. (2006) Pratique des activités narratives instrumentées: Une analyse diachronique et structuro-fonctionnelle en amont de la conception. Doctorat d'ergonomie, Université de Paris 8.

Research theme

Narrative activity, mobile activity, communication activity, computer application, social and behavioural science:   We followed a user centred approach to envision new instruments; we investigate some activities (for example narrative activities) and the use the subjects make of some simple instruments.

Theoretical framework: Our approach is keeping with the theoretical framework of activity theory (Vygotsky, 1934; Rabardel, 1995). In this way, we followed the activity theory which suggests analysis of the objects motivating human activity.   And according to Vygotsky's law of semiotic mediation, we think that mental processes cannot be understood without taking into account the tools and the signs that organize the processes. But we mobilized the course of action, an approach developed by Theureau (2004) because it permits analyse interrupted activities and it based on Pierce's semiotic. We articulate courses of action with the instrumental approach in order to comprehend the subject's point of view, the time and the semiotic dimensions inherent in the interrupted activities.

Video and experimental material