What I do

My research interests include Human-Computer Interaction, Information Visualization and Data Analysis, User Experience Modeling, Reflective technologies, Interpretation systems, or Document and Knowledge Engineering. Application domains are related to education, culture, health, humanities… I focus on interdisciplinary approaches for the study of human-machine coupling and co-development and collaborate with people from sociology, psychology, ergonomy, anthropology, education science, philosophy, design, medecine, focusing on real world activities.

News (all)

Apr. 24: Publication of our paper on Affordances research. We published a paper we had ben working on for a long time with Roman Malo. The paper is entitled Reaching conceptual stability by re-articulating empirical and theoretical work on affordances and has been published in Frontiers in Psychology. In this paper we claim that affordances lack conceptual clarity, that only empirical work can help settle on important theoretical questions, but also that theoretical and empirical research on affordances are disarticulated. Thus is because empirical work does not take into account current theoretical propositions and theoretical researchers do not seem interested in empirical verifications of their proposals. Yet the concept of affordance remains important for 4E cognition development, as well as a boundary objects for many other research fields. We then claim that it is important to re-articulate theoretical and empirical work, notably by fostering empirical studies, and we propose a set of requirement and a framework to develop adequate empirical methodologies.

Apr. 24: Presentation at the EMRN Conference. I presented a paper entitled “Towards immersive teleclinics in the Metaverse, the case of neuropsychological consultation” at the European Metaverse Research Network conference in Barcelona. The paper is co-authored with Toinon Vigier Didier Acier Samuel Bulteau and Solene Thevenet. It presents our work on the TECNIS (Téléclinique Immersive) project between Nantes Université and CHU de Nantes where we explore how social VR could be used for teleconsultation between a clinician and a patient, here in the case of neuropsychological testing. We decided that the practitioner should lead the session, that there should be two types of tests (desk-based and in independant environments), and we even developed a waiting room for the patient to wait for the doctor. The evaluation of the system is currently carried out, focusing on acceptability for patients and clinicians. This work participates to defining how we can leverage the Metaverse for future health. We are looking for collaboration for the next steps!

Dec. 23: PhD Defense of Roman Malo. Roman Malo successfully defended his doctoral thesis in psychology titled “Psychological Flexibility, Psychopathology, and Virtual Reality - From Subjective Measurement to the Possibility of Objective Measurement of Transdiagnostic Processes”. I had the pleasure of co-supervising this thesis with Didier Acier (Psychology) and Samuel Bulteau (Psychiatry). Roman is particularly interested in the possibility of using ecological tasks (corresponding to real-life situations) in virtual reality to study how participants navigate problematic situations while demonstrating psychological flexibility. He employs both observational data and micro-phenomenological interviews to closely follow the specific experiences of his participants. This mixed approach has highlighted that “anxious” participants do not react in the same way as “healthy” participants, and their experiences differ, paving the way for a renewed understanding of flexibility.

Recent publications (all)

Jean-Philippe Rivière, Louis Vinet, Yannick Prié. (2024) Towards the use of VR prototypes in architecture to collect user experiences: An assessment of the comparability of patient experiences in a virtual and a real ambulatory pathway in to appear in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Show abstract

Roman Malo, Yannick Prié. (2024) Reaching conceptual stability by re-articulating empirical and theoretical work on affordances in in Frontiers in Psychology 15:1283168. doi Show abstract

Toinon Vigier, Didier Acier, Samuel Bulteau, Solène Thevenet, Yannick Prié. (2024) Towards immersive teleclinics in the Metaverse: the case of neuropsychological consultation in European Metaverse Research Network: A Metaverse for the Good, Barcelona, Spain, 8-9 april, 6 pp. Show abstract

Jean-Philippe Rivière, Roman Malo, Louis Vinet, Yannick Prié. (2024) Utiliser l’entretien d’explicitation pour collecter et comparer des expériences vécues en réalité virtuelle : un bilan de deux études in IHM 2024, 25e conférence internationale francophone sur l’interaction humain-machine, Paris, 25-29 mars, 20 pp. Show abstract