My interest is on Human-Computer Interaction, which I propose to consider from two points of view: that of activity for the humane side, and of the information structures that are manipulated for the machine side. The aim is to be able to think about the co-evolution of activity and information structures at various time scales, focusing on the individual level (which is the place of signification for action) while taking into account the social level where the activity takes place.The focus is on the user as a subject building his/her interaction with the system. The privileged application domain is that of mediated activity considered as permanent reading and writing of digital inscriptions in a both individual and collective information space. I am particularly interested in the activty of interpreting data and documents within Knowledge Work.
There are two non exclusive ways of carrying such research. The first is analytical and consists in studying how users' activity and systems co-evolve. The second is more oriented towards system engineering by designing systems that either assist users in the development of their activity, or are flexible enough to be shaped by users. There are also two conditions that must be fulfilled: work on real world activities, and carry interdisciplinary work with specialists from other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, ergonomy, anthropology, education science, or even philosophy and design.
The main research directions I currently follow are:
Interpreting mediated activity from digital traces: activity traces modeling and abstracting, trace visualisation, multi-scale sequential data analysis, evolving pattern mining, interactive data analysis and mining, etc. to study for example how users do appropriate systems, the way usages evolve, or learners' engagement on distant learning platforms.
Studying the dynamics of and supporting the development of human-machine coupling: trace-based reflective interfaces, active reading and video annotation systems, etc. for technology-enhanced learning or support of users'digital skill development.
Current PhD students
Vincent Raveneau (Université de Nantes, with J. Blanchard) - Instantaneous evolving pattern mining
Madjid Sadallah (University of Bejaia, with B. Encelle) - Reading analytics for online courses re-engineering
Rubiela Carillo-Rozo (Université Lyon 1, with Elise Lavoué) - Studying learners' engagement from LMS traces
Amaury Belin (Université Lyon 1) - Towards a theory ot digital instruments
Past PhD students
Leila Yahiaoui (co-tutelle Université Lyon 1 / Université de Constantine, with Zizette Boufaïda, defense sept. 2012)
Damien Clauzel (Université Lyon1, dir. Alain Mille, no defense)
Lotfi Sofiane Settouti (Université Lyon1, dir. Jean-Charles Marty, defense jan 2011)
Bertrand Richard (INSA de Lyon, dir. Sylvie Calabretto, defense jan. 2010)
Julien Laflaquière (UTT, dir. Manuel Zacklad, defense dec. 2009)
Jesus Arana (Université Lyon 1, dir Alain Mille, with Salima Hassas, no defense)
Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond (INSA de Lyon, dir. Alain Mille, defense 2003)
Pierre-Antoine Champin (Université Lyon1, dir Alain Mille, defense 2002)
Past Master's Thesis students
Vincent Raveneau : Fouille de motifs évolutifs pour étudier l’ appropriation dans un environnement numérique de travail (with Julien Blanchard, ATAL Master, 2014-2015)
Ghita Bo : L’instrument numérique et le designer d’expérience utilisateur. Empathie et représentations de l’expérience d’interaction (Digital Architecture Master, 2013-2014)
Carlos Alberto Gomez Hernandez : Co-adaptation Homme-Machine (with Audrey Serna, 2012-2013)
Jean-Benoît Griesner : Fouille de traces d'interaction pour la détection d'instruments numériques (with Julien Blanchard, 2012-2013)
Jose Francisco Saray Villamizar : Enrichissement adaptatif de vidéo pour le handicap visuel (with Benoît Encelle, 2009-2010)
Matthieu Leberre : Debriefing à base de trace dans la simulation de pilotage industriel (2007-2008)
Touch Sereysethy : Système d'exploitation intégrant des traces
Bertrand Richard : Documents multi-structurés (2004-2005)
Julien Laflaquière : Incorporation
d'expérience d'utilisation d'un espace documentaire pour
améliorer la recherche et l'utilisation d'information (2002-2003)
Current projects
Permanent projects
DIADEME - Digital Instrument and Activity DEvelopMEnt (2012-present)
A research program around the notion of Digital Instrument
ADVENE - Annotate Digital Video, Exchange on the Net (2002-present)
Advene is
a project on video annotations, hypervideos, models and tools for video active reading, etc. The Open-Source Advene software runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It features the Cinelab / Advene2 model for Hypervideo description and Exchange.
TRACES (2001-present)
This permanent project is about studying models, tools, practices of using modelled digital traces for analysis and reflexivity. Several funded subprojects are dedicated to building systems within various applicative domains.
Funded projects
HUBBLE HUman oBservatory Based on AnaLysis of eLEarning tracess (ANR 2014-2018)
This project proposes the creation of an observatory for the construction and sharing of analysis processes of massive e-learning traces.
The partners are: LIG, LINA, LIUM, LIRIS, IFé, STEF, LabSTICC, Open Classrooms
EPISTEME (ANR 2014-2018)
This project aims at working on a digital transdisciplinar epistemology providing insights on a new Episteme and defining tools for contributive categorization in research, teaching and scientific mediation.
The partners are: IRI Centre Pompidou, LINA, LIRIS, CHS Paris 1, CEA Irfu, France Televisions, Mediapart
IDEA Immersive Data Exploration and Analysis (2016-2017)
This project aims at studying the use of HMD for temporal and sequential data visualization.
The are: READI Design Lab, IVC Irccyn, ExplorNova Studio
Others projects
Archives Michaux : métadonnées pour la base d’images de peintures et dessins d'Henri Michaux en vue de la construction du catalogue raisonné, organisation automatique du corpus à partir d’analyse d’image et de classification
Discrete Experience Sampling on the Desktop (DEScribe tool)
Past projects
MUSIMORPHOSE From discomorphosis to the digitamorphosis (ANR Émergences des cultures et des phénomènes culturels 2013-2014)
This project is about the effects of the digital turn on the tastes morphology and the uses of music in the everyday life. Questions here are about traces, collection, data analysis and visualisation.
The partners are: CAPHI, CRAL, LINA
CLAIRE - (French Industry Ministry, "Education" call: 2012-2014)
In this project we work on models, languages and tools for hypervideo in the web in the context of LMS.
The partners are: Simple-IT, LIRIS Lyon 1, WAM INRIA
Spectacle en lignes (ANR Corpus, 2013-2014)
In this projet dedicated to live performing art creation genetics, we design models for publishing annotation as open data and for annotation-based hypervideo generation publishing.
The partners are: IRI-Centre Pompidou, INRIA, LIRIS, Université Paris-Diderot, Ubicast, Festival d'Aix en Provence, Théâtre les Célestins Lyon.
eGonomy - Image base exploration(French Industry Ministry, "GE Digitization" call: 2012-2014)
In this project we design and study prototypes on the reflexive use of navigation traces.
The partners are: Moben Fact, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Grand Palais, art & fact, Pertimm, CEA List, LIRIS Lyon 1, IRI-Centre Pompidou, Lutin Userlab, Xedix
- Collaborative Annotation for Video Accessibility - Annotation collaborative pour l'accessibilité vidéo (French Industry Ministry funding, "Innovative web" call: 2009-2011)
This project is dedicated to improving web video accessibility through annotations, mainly aimed at hard-hearing, deaf and blind people.
The partners are: LIRIS, EURECOM and Dailymotion
Cinecast - Film enrichments and video metadata exchange - Enrichissement de films et l'échange de métadonnées audiovisuelles (French Industry Ministry funding, FUI9 call: 2010-2012)
This ambitious project is about film enrichment in film libraries and on the web, annotations, social networks, etc.
The partners are on the academic side: LIRIS, IRI / Centre Pompidou, LIST / CEA, Telecom Paris Tech; on the film library side: Forum des Images, Cinémathèque française, BNF, BPI, INA; on the industrial side: NETIA, Globe Cast, Univers Ciné,, Jamespot, Exalead, Allociné, VodKaster.
ITHACA - Interative Trace for Human Awareness in Collaborative Annotation (French National Research Agency funding: 2008-2011)
In this project we are studying the use of traces in synchronous videoconference-based communication, mainly in the context of language teaching. The tool we build is called Visu (two versions: Visu1 and Visu2).
The partners are: LIRIS, Lyon 2 University, ICAR Laoratory and TECFA Geneva
PROCOGEC - PROgiciel COllaboratif de GEstion des Connaissances (ANR RNTL, 2007-2009)
A project on the use of traces in a Collaborative Document Management System.
Partners: Knowings, G-Scop, MUSI, LIRIS, SYSCOM, ANTECIM, Gaz de France.
Ciné Lab (ANR RIAM, 2007-2008)
First funded project on film annotations.
LIRIS, IRI - Centre Pompidou, Forum des Images, Antenna Audio.
Personnalisation dans les EIAH (Projet cluster Région, 2006-2010)
Regional project on trace-based personalization in tutoring systems.
Partners: Rhône-Alpes RegionLaboratories
IncorporActions (ACI TTT, 2004-2007)
A project on how to model descriptions of actions as well as oral transcriptions in interaction studies.
Partners: LIRIS, ICAR, FTRD...
Partenaires : une vingtaine de chercheurs de la région Rhône-Alpes. Pilotage Jean-Philippe Pernin (INRP).
CPER "Développement d'un pôle de compétences méthodologiques pour l'étude des usages d'Internet"
Partenaires : Georges Antoniadis, Jean Emmanuel Le Bray (Grenoble 3), Alain Mille, Yannick Prié (Lyon 1), Lorenza Mondada, (Lyon 2), Laurent Jeannin (CNRS ICAR), Karine Robineau (INRP), Igor Babou, Barbara Doucet, Joëlle Le Marec, Christine Develotte (ENS LSH)
Langage et Technologie Numérique (ACI - Education formation, 2005-2006)
Partenaires : LIL (B. Pincemin), LPEQ (P. Therouanne, T. Colombi, T. Baccino), LACO (J.F. Rouet, E. Meme, M. Puustinen, J. Bernicot, O. Volkaert, J.P. Thibaut), LSE (B. Lemaire, P. Dessus)
RECIS (Recherche et
exploration de contenus par l'image et le son)
Partenaires: LIRIS (S. Calabretto, E. Egyed-Zsigmond -
thèse, W. Huang, A. Mille), INRIA-IMEDIA (N. Boujemaa, J.-P.
Chieze), FT-RD (F. Chassaing, M. Maurizot, H. Sanson)
ISDN (Institut
des Sciences
du documents numérique):
Emergence collective du
document. Partenaires : GRESI (M.-F. Peyrelong), RECODOC (S.
du document. Partenaires : LIRIS (S. Calabretto, B. Rumpler), GRESEC-CRISTAL (M.
Bertier), SE-RIM (M. Beigbeder), CNAF Lyon (B. Chabbat
Co-adaptation and convergence between man and machines: computer learning, enaction, neuroscience and psychology
Datadata: a collaboration with artists and anthropologists (seminar and workshop around the Advene tool)
MUSETTE (Modéliser les USages Et les Tâches pour Tracer l'Expérience) : sous-projet sur l'étude de l'utilisation de l'expérience d'utilisation des systèmes informatique pour l'assistance et l'analyse
CONSTELLATIONS (Ecrire et interpréter des constellations de mots) : projet sur l'étude des constellations de mot
Partenaires : ICAR (B. Pincemin), LPEQ (P. Therouanne, T. Baccino), GREYC (B. Morand), Culture et Communication (Daniel Jacobi)
MAZETTE (Multi-agent Musette)
Partenaires : LIRIS (Jesus Arana - co-encadrement de thèse avec Salima Hassas, thèse abandonnée)
hétérogènes pour la recherche en
sciences humaines et sociales)
Partenariats : LIRIS (A. Mille), CS2O (I. Babou, J. Le Marec)