Ecole 2007 : du 7 au 17 septembre 2007 - Fréjus (France)
Christine Sorsana |
Status | University teacher |
University / Laboratory | Toulouse II and University of Nancy 2: Groupe de Recherches sur les Communications (GRC), Laboratoire de Psychologie des Universités Lorraines (E.A. 4165) | |
Laboratory website | ||
Personnal website | ||
Special information(s) | · Articles Sorsana, C. (2005). Croyances et habiletés conversationnelles entre enfants: réflexions à propos de la gestion dialogique des désaccords au sein des raisonnements [Beliefs and conversational skills between children: Some thoughts about the dialogical management of disagreements within reasoning situations]. Psychologie de l'Interaction , n° 19-20, 39-97. Sorsana, C. (2003). Comment l'interaction coopérative rend-elle plus " savant " ? Quelques réflexions concernant les conditions nécessaires au fonctionnement dialogique du conflit sociocognitif [How becoming more erudite through co-operative interaction ? Some thoughts about necessary dialogical conditions of an operating socio-cognitive conflict]. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 32 , n° 3, 437-473. Sorsana, C., & Musiol, M. (2005). Power and knowledge: how can rationality emerge from children's interactions in a problem-solving situation ? In E . Grillo (ed.), Power Without Domination. Dialogism and the empowering property of communication (pp. 161-221). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Trognon, A., & Sorsana, C. (2005). Les compétences interactionnelles : formes d'exercice, bases, effets et développement [Interactional competence : forms of exercise, bases, effects and development]. Rééducation Orthophonique , 221 , 29-56. · Contributions to scientific books Sorsana, C ., & Troadec, B. (2007, in press). Facteurs socioculturels et développement cognitif [Socio-cultural factors and cognitive development]. In A. Blaye, & P. Lemaire (Eds.), Le développement cognitif de l'enfant . Paris, Bruxelles : Editions De Boeck Université. Trognon, A., Sorsana, C ., Batt, M., & Longin, D. (2007, in press). Comment identifie-t-on un théorème-en-acte en Logique Interlocutoire ? [How can we identify a « théorème-en-acte » with the Interlocutory Logic ? ] In G. Vergnaud & al ., (Eds.), Les processus de conceptualisation en débat (pp. 393-412).Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail. · Project co-ordinator On the topic: Interlocutory description of interactions between children: from the study of experimental protocols of problem-solving situations to the study of handicrafts classroom situations , ACI, Ecole et Sciences Cognitives, 2003-2005. Key words: cognitive development - interaction between peers - problem-solving situation - interlocutory analysis - technology. · Participation to research project: On the topic: The psychology of conditional directives: Putting logical expressions to work , ANR, 2005-2008 (Project co-ordinator Pr. Denis Hilton). Co-ordination with Valerie Tartas of the developmental session called "How does conditional reasoning emerge in the child's mind ?" Key words: cognitive development - conditional reasoning - contexts. |
Research theme |
· Interpersonal relationships and problem-solving situations between children. · Pragmatical analysis of socio-cognitive interactions. Key words: cognitive development, social interaction, children, affinity (friendship), problem-solving situation, pragmatics |
Video and experimental material |
Video recordings showing (1) children's interactions (ages 6-8 in a dyadic experimental design and age 10 in a classroom setting) in problem-solving situations and (2) adult/preschooler 's interactions (age 3-5) in a reasoning task. |