Ecole 2007 : du 7 au 17 septembre 2007 - Fréjus (France)
Philippo Barra |
Status | Thesis student |
University / Laboratory | University of Siena (Italy) / Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze Sociali | |
Laboratory website | | |
Personnal website | ||
Special information(s) | Review of Alva Noë (2004) Action in Perception , MIT Press. For SWIF 2R Reviews (in italian, under review). |
Research theme |
In my research I outline the basis for a reconstruction of the process of arithmetical knowing. The debate on the "foundations of mathematics" has been developed solely with reference to the idea of mathematical knowledge as provided with absolute grounds transcending both nature and history. In order to account for mathematics as a natural phenomenon though, one needs to lay bare its situated and open-ended dynamics, finding some way to describe them. I elaborate some modeling tools in order to capture this process from its animal, sensorimotor genesis. The problem of the continuity versus discontinuity between thought and action/perception is very important for my research and I am very interested in enactive, extended mind and integrationist perspectives for this reason, especially with a view to their consequences on the status of logic. Keywords : Philosophy of mathematics, sensorimotor theories of perception, extended mind, logic. |
Video and experimental material |