Ecole 2008 : du 7 au 12 septembre 2008 - Cap Hornu (Baie de la Somme, Picardie, France)
Jean-Baptiste Guignard |
Status | Research and Teaching Assistant |
University / Laboratory | Compiègne University of Technology - Cognitive Suppletion Group |
Laboratory website | | |
Personnal website | ||
Special information(s) | In charge of Sc 21 "Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language" (UTC). MB. of the editorial board of the AFLICO (Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive). MB. of Enactive Interfaces . Co-author of Les Grammaires de Construction (2007) ELLUG. |
Research theme |
Cognitive Linguistics, Construction Grammars, Epistemology, Enaction. Currently trying to articulate pragmatics, cognitive grammars and enaction to build a general linguistic model, i.e. a model that both avoids precluding language as a viable object and (but?) redefines it according to the principles advocated by constructivism. More particularly, I suggest that language symbolic structures provide inherent meaning orientations that situations inevitably modulate. Schematic and lexical constructions (both defined as f/s pairings exhibiting various degrees of substance) therefore form a radial family the entities of which do not necessarily share common features (along with the extended model of prototype semantics). I subsequently argue that language activity obligatorily runs the full gamut of context/language matches and mismatches out of which new expressions/lexicalisations may emerge. |
Video and experimental material |