Patient experience analysis and assessment

A recent research topic associating researchers from different disciplines, design companies, and health institutions gathering around experimentations.

  • Illustration for project OPEVA

    OPEVA: OutPatient Experience in Virtual Reality for Architectural Design

    Patient Experience Experience analysis and modelling Virtual Reality

    A project where we compared the experiences of patients in VR and in reality. We designed and implemented a virtual reality environment replicating an actual ambulatory pathway. We used elicitation interviews to collect the experiences of actual patients in both our virtual prototype and the ambulatory pathway, that we modeled and compared. Results show that patients live comparable experiences along various dimensions of experience such as thought, emotion, sensation, social and sensory perception.


    Partners: LS2N, AIA Life Designer, Clinique Jules Verne
    Funding: West Creative Industry (France)
    Beginning: 2021-11-01
    End: 2022-08-31

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  • Illustration for project PEEL

    PEEL: Patient Experience Evaluation Lab

    Experience analysis and modelling Patient Experience

    The interdisciplinary association of researchers, design companies, health institutions to work on methodologies to analyze patient experience, design experience-based interventions, and assess these interventions.


    Partners: LS2N, ENDA (Care Design Lab), Sensipode, AIA, MOSWO, CHU Nantes, CPAM...
    Funding: RFI Ouest Industries Créatives.
    Cofunding: Various compagnies
    Beginning: 2021-06-01
    End: 2023-06-30

  • Illustration for project TECNIS

    TECNIS: Immersive Teleclinic

    Patient Experience Trace-based Activity Analysis Trace-based Systems VR and Psychotherapy Virtual Reality

    Designing and evaluating patients' journeys in a virtual teleclinic to carry out series of neuropsychological tests with practitioners.


    Partners: LS2N, CHU Nantes, BioSerenity
    Funding: Plan de relance.
    Beginning: 2022-09-01
    End: 2024-08-31

Select another theme:    Accessibility Affordances Data Visualization Digital Instruments Document Engineering Experience analysis and modelling Hypervideos Immersive Analytics Interpretation Systems Knowledge Engineering Learning Analytics Patient Experience Progressive analytics Reflective Systems Technology-Enhanced Learning Trace-based Activity Analysis Trace-based Systems VR and Psychotherapy Video Annotations Virtual Reality