Document Engineering

Apart from our generic work on document multi-structurality, document engineering was mostly on modelled based approaches for video annotation and template-based hypervideo rendering, notably with Cinelab and CHM models.

  • Illustration for project ACAV

    ACAV: Collaborative Annotation for Video Accessibility

    Accessibility Document Engineering Video Annotations

    ACAV was dedicated to improving web video accessibility through annotations, mainly aimed at hard-hearing, deaf and blind people. We proposed a modeled approach to video enrichment, and studied various renderings with blind subjects.


    Partners: LIRIS, EURECOM, Dailymotion
    Funding: French Industry Ministry funding, "Innovative web"
    Beginning: 2009-10-01
    End: 2011-10-30

    Related publications

    • Benoît Encelle, Magali Ollagnier-Beldame, Yannick Prié. (2013) Towards the usage of pauses in audio-described videos in W4A 10th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility, may 2013. doi Show abstract
    • Benoît Encelle, Magali Ollagnier-Beldame, Stéphanie Pouchot, Yannick Prié. (2011) Annotation-based video enrichment for blind people: A pilot study on the use of earcons and speech synthesis in 13th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Dundee, Scotland. pp. 123-130. Oct 2011. doi Show abstract
    • J.F. Saray Villamizar, B. Encelle, Y. Prié, P-A. Champin. (2011) An Adaptive Videos Enrichment System Based On Decision Trees For People With Sensory Disabilities in 8th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility, Hyderabad, India Show abstract
    • Pierre-Antoine Champin, Benoît Encelle, N.W.D. Evans, Magali Ollagnier-Beldame, Yannick Prié, Raphaël Troncy. (2010) Towards Collaborative Annotation for Video Accessibility in 7th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A 2010), Raleigh, USA. 2010. doi Show abstract
    • Benoît Encelle, Yannick Prié, Olivier Aubert.. (2010) Annotations pour l'accessibilité des vidéos dans le cas du handicap visuel in Handicap 2010, Jun 2010, Paris, France. IFRATH, pp.130-136, 2010. Show abstract

    Additional comments

    ACAV means “Annotation collaborative pour l’accessibilité vidéo”.

    We had already began playing with Advene on video annotations and accessibility, and the ACAV project allowed us to get funding to get further.

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    Illustration for project ACAV Illustration for project ACAV Illustration for project ACAV
  • Illustration for project ADVENE

    ADVENE: Annotate Digital Video, Exchange on the NEt

    Document Engineering Hypervideos Interpretation Systems Reflective Systems Video Annotations

    Project on video annotations, hypervideos, concept, models and tools for video active reading. The Open-Source Advene software runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It features the Cinelab / Advene2 model for Hypervideo description and Exchange. A lot of information can be found on the website.


    Partners: Numerous
    Funding: at first no funding (2003-2007), then Cinelab project on film annotations (ANR RIAM, 2007-2008, with LIRIS, IRI Centre Pompidou, Forum des Images, Antenna Audio), then Bertrand Richard PhD thesis, and other projects (notably Cinecast on Film Digital Libraries).
    Beginning: 2002-10-01
    End: false

    Related publications

    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié, Daniel Schmitt. (2012) Advene as a Tailorable Hypervideo Authoring Tool: a Case Study in ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Paris, sept 2012, pp. 79-82 . doi Show abstract
    • Yannick Prié. (2009) Interacting with Annotated Videos in In Workshop Interacting with temporal data at CHI 2009. Boston, MA, April 2009. 4pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié, Bertrand Richard. (2008) Canonical processes in active reading and hypervideo production in Multimedia Systems Journal, Special Issue on Canonical Processes of Media Production. 14(6):427-433, 2008 doi Show abstract
    • Bertrand Richard, Yannick Prié, Sylvie Calabretto. (2008) Towards a unified model for audiovisual active reading in Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Berkeley, CA, USA, dec 2008. [AR:24%] doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié. (2008) Advene, une plate-forme ouverte pour la construction d'hypervidéos in Ludovia 2008, Ax-les-Thermes, aug 2008, 10 pp. Show abstract
    • Yannick Prié, Ilias Yocaris. (2007) Informatique et analyse filmique : indécidabilité et contagion sémiotique dans Epidemic de Lars von Trier in Semio 2007, 8pp. Show abstract
    • Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié. (2007) Models for sustaining emergence of practices for hypervideo in International Workshop On Semantically Aware Document Processing And Indexing (SADPI'07), May 2007, 10pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2007) Annotations de documents audiovisuels - Temporalisation et spatialisation in Atelier Interfaces pour l'annotation et la manipulation d'objets temporels : une comparaison des outils et des paradigmes dans le domaine musical et cinématographique, nov 2007, Paris. Show abstract
    • Bertrand Richard, Yannick Prié, Sylvie Calabretto. (2007) Lecture active de documents audiovisuels : organisation de connaissances personnelles par la structuration d’annotations in Ingénierie des Connaissances 2007, Grenoble, July 2007, 12 pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2007) Advene: an open-source framework for integrating and visualising audiovisual metadata in Open Source Competition: Technical presentation and overview paper, Proc. of ACM Multimedia Conference, Augsburg, sept. 2007, pp. 1005-1008. doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2006) Des vidéos aux hypervidéos : vers d'autres interactions avec les médias audiovisuels in Technique et science informatique, Vol 25, num 4, 2006, pp. 409-436, 2006. doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin and Yannick Prié. (2006) Integration of Semantic Web Technology in an Annotation-based Hypervideo System in SWAMM 2006, 1st International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia, Held as part of the 15th World Wide Web Conference, May 2006, 12 pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2005) Des hypervidéos pour créer et échanger des analyses de documents audiovisuels in H2PTM 2005, Créer, jouer, échanger : expériences de réseaux, nov. 2005, Paris, 10 pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert and Yannick Prié. (2005) Advene: Active Reading through Hypervideos in ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 05, 2005, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 235-244. [AR:36%] doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2004) Documents audiovisuels instrumentés. Temporalités et détemporalisations dans les hypervidéos in Document numérique, numéro spécial : Temps et document, vol. 8, num. 4, pp.143-168, 2004. doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2004) From video information retrieval to hypervideo management in International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Image, Video, and Audio Retrieval and Mining. Sherbrooke-Canada, October 25-26 2004 Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié. (2003) Instrumentation de documents audiovisuels : temporalisations et détemporalisation dans le projet Advene in Workshop "Temps et documents numériques", Nov 2003, Grenoble, France. 2003 Show abstract

    Related software

    Additional comments

    Please use ACM Hypertext 2005 reference as main citation.

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    Illustration for project ADVENE Illustration for project ADVENE
  • Illustration for project Cinecast

    Cinecast: Film enrichments and video metadata exchange

    Document Engineering Interpretation Systems Video Annotations

    Film enrichment in public film libraries and on the web. Exchange of film annotations on social networks. We worked on hypervideos models, and video annotations sharing.


    Partners: Researchers (LIRIS, IRI / Centre Pompidou, LIST / CEA, Telecom Paris Tech); major film libraries (Forum des Images, Cinémathèque française, BNF, BPI, INA); and industrial partners (NETIA, Globe Cast, Univers Ciné,, Jamespot, Exalead, Allociné, VodKaster).
    Funding: French Industry Ministry funding, FUI9 call
    Beginning: 2010-10-01
    End: 2012-12-31

    Related publications

    • Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2014) CHM: an Annotation- and Component-based Hypervideo Model for the Web in Multimedia Tools and Applications, 70(2), 869-903, may 2014 doi Show abstract
    • Yannick Prié, Vincent Puig. (2013) Nouveaux modes de perception active de films annotés in Cinéma, interactivité et société, direction, ouvrage, Université de Poitiers & CNRS, pp. 373-387. 2013 Show abstract
    • Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2011) Hypervideo and Annotations on the Web in Workshop on Multimedia on the Web 2011. Graz, Austria. Sept 2011. doi Show abstract
    • Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2011) Component-based Hypervideo Model: high-level operational specification of hypervideos in ACM DocEng. Mountain View, California. pp. 53-56. Sept 2011. doi Show abstract
    • Benoît Encelle, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié, Olivier Aubert. (2011) Models for Video Enrichment in Proceedings of the 11th ACM symposium on Document engineering. Mountain View, California. pp. 85-88. Sept 2011. doi Show abstract

    Related software

    Additional comments

    This ambitious project was featuring a really great line up.

    Additional illustrations

    Illustration for project Cinecast Illustration for project Cinecast
  • Illustration for project Redoc

    Redoc: Activity traces redocumentation

    Document Engineering Knowledge Engineering Reflective Systems Trace-based Systems

    The redocumentation process of computer-mediated activity is as a narrative construction that ties together contents of activity traces and users’ knowledge of their own activities within exchangeable documents. We built a system for redocumenting the traces of exploring a 19th century newspaper digital library.


    Partners: LIRIS
    Funding: University of Constantine
    Beginning: 2008-10-01
    End: 2012-10-à1

    Related publications

    • Leila Yahiaoui, Yannick Prié, Zizette Boufaïda. (2013) Du traçage de l’activité informatique à sa redocumentation en texte in Technique et science informatique, n°1/2013 pp. 7-40, 2013. doi Show abstract
    • Leila Yahiaoui, Yannick Prié, Zizette Boufaïda, Pierre-Antoine Champin. (2012) Redocumenting computer mediated activity from its traces: a model-based approach for narrative construction in Journal of Digital Information, vol. 12. n°3. 2011. Show abstract
    • Leila Yahiaoui, Zizette Boufaïda, Yannick Prié. (2010) Un outil générique pour la redocumentation en texte d'une activité médiée informatiquement in 1ére conférence Maghrébine sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGC-M 2010), Alger, Algérie. pp. 73-84. 2010. Show abstract
    • Leila Yahiaoui, Yannick Prié, Zizette Boufaïda. (2009) The redocumentation process of computer mediated activity traces: A general framework in 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT 2009), Torini, Italy, pp. 363-364, jul 2009 (Poster) Show abstract
    • Leila Yahiaoui, Yannick Prié, Zizette Boufaïda. (2008) Redocumentation des traces d'activité médiée informatiquement dans le cadre des transactions communicationnelles in 19es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2008), Nancy, France. pp.197-209, Jun 2008 Show abstract

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    PhD thesis of Leila Yahiaoui, between University of Lyon and University of Constantine, Algeria.

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    Illustration for project Redoc Illustration for project Redoc

Select another theme:    Accessibility Affordances Data Visualization Digital Instruments Document Engineering Experience analysis and modelling Hypervideos Immersive Analytics Interpretation Systems Knowledge Engineering Learning Analytics Patient Experience Progressive analytics Reflective Systems Technology-Enhanced Learning Trace-based Activity Analysis Trace-based Systems VR and Psychotherapy Video Annotations Virtual Reality