Learning Analytics

We had been doing a lot of learning analytics without knowing it. We mostly do data analytics on students traces, and trace-based approaches to dashboard building.

  • Illustration for project ECBridge

    ECBridge: Education-Curation Bridge

    Data Visualization Learning Analytics Technology-Enhanced Learning

    EC Bridge aims to create software linking platforms dedicated to the world of education and cultural mediation, to offer cultural institutions support for new educational experiences linking schools, museums, and families. In this project we are implicated in the scenarios in the design of trace-based dashboard for learners, curators, and students.


    Partners: Mazedia, Maskott, LS2N, Ifé ENS-Lyon, Cité des Télécoms, Musée gallo-romain de Fourvière
    Funding: FUI 23
    Beginning: 2017-09-01
    End: 2019-12-31

  • Illustration for project eFIL

    eFIL: e-Feedback for interactive Lecture

    Data Visualization Learning Analytics Reflective Systems Technology-Enhanced Learning

    The project aims at experimenting in lab / classroom the usage of a handwritten note-taking tablet application, that also allows the creation of pedagogical activities (quiz, whiteboards). We want to study the impact of technology instrumentation on active learning methods, and the usage of activity traces for analysis and production of synchronous and post-hoc activity visualisation dashboards, mainly targeted at teachers.


    Partners: LS2N, IntuiDoc, LP3C
    Funding: Cominlabs Labex
    Beginning: 2017-10-01
    End: 2019-12-31
    Website: https://efil.cominlabs.u-bretagneloire.fr/fr

  • Illustration for project HUBBLE

    HUBBLE: HUman oBservatory Based on anaLysis of E-learning traces

    Learning Analytics

    The objective of this Learning Analytics project is to create a national observatory for the construction and sharing of data analysis processes of traces left in e-learning environments. In this project the LS2N has essentially worked with interns on the traces of the Open Classrooms MOOCs platform to predict the success or failure of students.


    Partners: LIG, LS2N, LIUM, LIRIS, IFé, STEF, LabSTICC, Open Classrooms
    Funding: French National Research Agency (ANR)
    Beginning: 2014-10-01
    End: 2018-12-31

  • Illustration for project Meta-éducation


    Learning Analytics Trace-based Activity Analysis

    A project hosted in Lyon at LIRIS on traces and learning environments. We worked on conceptual graph building activity, designing dashboard for teachers to appreciate students behavioral and cognitive engagement.


    Partners: LIRIS, ERDENET, IRI Centre Pompidou, ITOP
    Funding: Investissement d'avenir - E-éducation
    Beginning: 2014-02-01
    End: 2017-12-31

    Related publications

    • Rubiela Carrillo, Yannick Prié, Leslie Guillaume, Elise Lavoué. (2018) Suivre l’engagement des apprenants dans l’activité de construction de cartes mentales in Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Éducation et la Formation (STICEF). 25(1). Show abstract
    • Rubiela Carrillo, Clément Renaud, Yannick Prié, Élise Lavoué. (2017) Dashboard for monitoring student engagement in mind mapping activities in IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Jul 2017, pp. 433-437, Timisoara, Romania. doi Show abstract
    • Rubiela Carrillo Rozo, Clément Renaud, Yannick Prié and Elise Lavoué. (2017) Tableau de bord pour le suivi de l'engagement des apprenants lors de la construction de cartes mentales in 8ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2017), Jun 2017, Strasbourg, France. pp.113-124, 2017. Show abstract
    • Rubiela Carrillo, Élise Lavoué, Yannick Prié. (2016) Towards Qualitative Insights for Visualizing Student Engagement in Web-based Learning Environments in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web, pp. 893-898 Show abstract

    Additional comments

    PhD thesis of Rubiela Carillo

  • Illustration for project Reading Analytics

    Reading Analytics

    Learning Analytics Trace-based Activity Analysis

    Reading analytics are Learning Analytics focusing on learners' content consumption traces, for authors to gain insights on the way they can improve their courses. We mainly worked on the traces of OpenClassrooms Mooc courses, had some results on reading sessions detection, and built a dashboard for teachers.


    Partners: LS2N, LIRIS, CERIST
    Funding: CERIST, Alger
    Beginning: 2012-10-01

    Related publications

    • . () in
    • Madjid Sadallah, Benoît Encelle, Azze-Eddine Maredj, Yannick Prié. (2015) Towards Reading Session-based indicators in Educational Reading Analytics in 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Toledo, Spain, sept. 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9307. pp. 297-310 [AR:15%] doi Show abstract
    • Madjid Sadallah, Benoît Encelle, Azze-Eddine Maredj, Yannick Prié. (2013) A Framework for Usage-based Document Reengineering in Proceedings of the 2013 ACM symposium on Document engineering DocEng '13, pp. 99-102, 2013. doi Show abstract

    Related software

    Additional comments

    This project mainly consists in Madjid Sadallah’s PhD thesis.

    Additional illustrations

    Illustration for project Reading Analytics

Select another theme:    Accessibility Affordances Data Visualization Digital Instruments Document Engineering Experience analysis and modelling Hypervideos Immersive Analytics Interpretation Systems Knowledge Engineering Learning Analytics Patient Experience Progressive analytics Reflective Systems Technology-Enhanced Learning Trace-based Activity Analysis Trace-based Systems VR and Psychotherapy Video Annotations Virtual Reality