Interpretation Systems

Those systems, aimed at scholars, teachers, etc., have in common to allow the process of interpretation building, i.e. the loose co-building of categories/models and descriptions using those categories. They can focus on video annotation, activity traces data visualisation, experience modelling from transcription, etc.

  • Illustration for project ADVENE

    ADVENE: Annotate Digital Video, Exchange on the NEt

    Document Engineering Hypervideos Interpretation Systems Reflective Systems Video Annotations

    Project on video annotations, hypervideos, concept, models and tools for video active reading. The Open-Source Advene software runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It features the Cinelab / Advene2 model for Hypervideo description and Exchange. A lot of information can be found on the website.


    Partners: Numerous
    Funding: at first no funding (2003-2007), then Cinelab project on film annotations (ANR RIAM, 2007-2008, with LIRIS, IRI Centre Pompidou, Forum des Images, Antenna Audio), then Bertrand Richard PhD thesis, and other projects (notably Cinecast on Film Digital Libraries).
    Beginning: 2002-10-01
    End: false

    Related publications

    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié, Daniel Schmitt. (2012) Advene as a Tailorable Hypervideo Authoring Tool: a Case Study in ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Paris, sept 2012, pp. 79-82 . doi Show abstract
    • Yannick Prié. (2009) Interacting with Annotated Videos in In Workshop Interacting with temporal data at CHI 2009. Boston, MA, April 2009. 4pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié, Bertrand Richard. (2008) Canonical processes in active reading and hypervideo production in Multimedia Systems Journal, Special Issue on Canonical Processes of Media Production. 14(6):427-433, 2008 doi Show abstract
    • Bertrand Richard, Yannick Prié, Sylvie Calabretto. (2008) Towards a unified model for audiovisual active reading in Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Berkeley, CA, USA, dec 2008. [AR:24%] doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié. (2008) Advene, une plate-forme ouverte pour la construction d'hypervidéos in Ludovia 2008, Ax-les-Thermes, aug 2008, 10 pp. Show abstract
    • Yannick Prié, Ilias Yocaris. (2007) Informatique et analyse filmique : indécidabilité et contagion sémiotique dans Epidemic de Lars von Trier in Semio 2007, 8pp. Show abstract
    • Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié. (2007) Models for sustaining emergence of practices for hypervideo in International Workshop On Semantically Aware Document Processing And Indexing (SADPI'07), May 2007, 10pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2007) Annotations de documents audiovisuels - Temporalisation et spatialisation in Atelier Interfaces pour l'annotation et la manipulation d'objets temporels : une comparaison des outils et des paradigmes dans le domaine musical et cinématographique, nov 2007, Paris. Show abstract
    • Bertrand Richard, Yannick Prié, Sylvie Calabretto. (2007) Lecture active de documents audiovisuels : organisation de connaissances personnelles par la structuration d’annotations in Ingénierie des Connaissances 2007, Grenoble, July 2007, 12 pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2007) Advene: an open-source framework for integrating and visualising audiovisual metadata in Open Source Competition: Technical presentation and overview paper, Proc. of ACM Multimedia Conference, Augsburg, sept. 2007, pp. 1005-1008. doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2006) Des vidéos aux hypervidéos : vers d'autres interactions avec les médias audiovisuels in Technique et science informatique, Vol 25, num 4, 2006, pp. 409-436, 2006. doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin and Yannick Prié. (2006) Integration of Semantic Web Technology in an Annotation-based Hypervideo System in SWAMM 2006, 1st International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia, Held as part of the 15th World Wide Web Conference, May 2006, 12 pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2005) Des hypervidéos pour créer et échanger des analyses de documents audiovisuels in H2PTM 2005, Créer, jouer, échanger : expériences de réseaux, nov. 2005, Paris, 10 pp. Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert and Yannick Prié. (2005) Advene: Active Reading through Hypervideos in ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 05, 2005, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 235-244. [AR:36%] doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2004) Documents audiovisuels instrumentés. Temporalités et détemporalisations dans les hypervidéos in Document numérique, numéro spécial : Temps et document, vol. 8, num. 4, pp.143-168, 2004. doi Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2004) From video information retrieval to hypervideo management in International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Image, Video, and Audio Retrieval and Mining. Sherbrooke-Canada, October 25-26 2004 Show abstract
    • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié. (2003) Instrumentation de documents audiovisuels : temporalisations et détemporalisation dans le projet Advene in Workshop "Temps et documents numériques", Nov 2003, Grenoble, France. 2003 Show abstract

    Related software

    Additional comments

    Please use ACM Hypertext 2005 reference as main citation.

    Additional illustrations

    Illustration for project ADVENE Illustration for project ADVENE
  • Illustration for project Cinecast

    Cinecast: Film enrichments and video metadata exchange

    Document Engineering Interpretation Systems Video Annotations

    Film enrichment in public film libraries and on the web. Exchange of film annotations on social networks. We worked on hypervideos models, and video annotations sharing.


    Partners: Researchers (LIRIS, IRI / Centre Pompidou, LIST / CEA, Telecom Paris Tech); major film libraries (Forum des Images, Cinémathèque française, BNF, BPI, INA); and industrial partners (NETIA, Globe Cast, Univers Ciné,, Jamespot, Exalead, Allociné, VodKaster).
    Funding: French Industry Ministry funding, FUI9 call
    Beginning: 2010-10-01
    End: 2012-12-31

    Related publications

    • Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2014) CHM: an Annotation- and Component-based Hypervideo Model for the Web in Multimedia Tools and Applications, 70(2), 869-903, may 2014 doi Show abstract
    • Yannick Prié, Vincent Puig. (2013) Nouveaux modes de perception active de films annotés in Cinéma, interactivité et société, direction, ouvrage, Université de Poitiers & CNRS, pp. 373-387. 2013 Show abstract
    • Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2011) Hypervideo and Annotations on the Web in Workshop on Multimedia on the Web 2011. Graz, Austria. Sept 2011. doi Show abstract
    • Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. (2011) Component-based Hypervideo Model: high-level operational specification of hypervideos in ACM DocEng. Mountain View, California. pp. 53-56. Sept 2011. doi Show abstract
    • Benoît Encelle, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié, Olivier Aubert. (2011) Models for Video Enrichment in Proceedings of the 11th ACM symposium on Document engineering. Mountain View, California. pp. 85-88. Sept 2011. doi Show abstract

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    Additional comments

    This ambitious project was featuring a really great line up.

    Additional illustrations

    Illustration for project Cinecast Illustration for project Cinecast
  • Illustration for project DIADEME

    DIADEME: Digital Instrument and Activity DEvelopMEnt

    Digital Instruments Experience analysis and modelling Interpretation Systems Trace-based Activity Analysis

    A small research program around the notion of Digital Instrument, and their co-evolution with humans, mainly related to Amaury Belin PhD thesis, as well as HdR writing. May be reactivated.


    Partners: LS2N
    Funding: Amaury Belin PhD funding, Atlanstic 2020
    Beginning: 2012-10-01

    Related publications

    • Amaury Belin, Yannick Prié, Aurélien Tabard. (2014) Supporting the Development of Digital Skills in Digital Intelligence, Nantes, France, sept 2014. Show abstract
    • Amaury Belin, Antipov Grigory, Julien Blanchard, Fabrice Guillet, Yannick Prié. (2014) Mining Users Skills Development From Interaction Traces: an exploratory study in Atelier Fouille visuelle de données temporelles, IHM 2013, Nov 2014, Bordeaux, France. 2p, 2014 Show abstract
    • Amaury Belin, Yannick Prié. (2012) Towards a model for describing appropriation processes through the evolution of digital artifacts in Designing Interactive Systems DIS2012, pp. 645-654, Newcastle, June 2012. [AR:20%] doi Show abstract
    • Yannick Prié. (2011) Vers une phénoménologie des inscriptions numériques. Dynamique de l’activité et des structures informationnelles dans les systèmes d’interprétation in Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Informatique, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Nov 2011, 247 p. (Soutenue le 18 novembre 2011 à l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Laboratoire LIRIS - UMR 5205 CNRS - École Doctorale Informatique et Information pour la Société) This study is mandatory to get a Professor position in France. The document is entitled Towards a Phenomenology of Digital Inscriptions. Dynamics of Activity and Informational Structures in Interpretation Systems. In the first chapter I first study the notion of inscription of knowledge as proposed by Bruno Bachimont. As I consider it is not sufficiently tied with human action and activity as considered by post-cognitivist theories, I propose to consider the notion of informational structures (structures informationnelles). Informational structures are digital inscriptions of knowledge that are actually manipulated by subjects during their computer-mediated activity, they can be canonical (explicitely manipulated by the system) or non canonical (but as such, they can become canonical if reified). The notion of informational structure is useful to study how digital inscriptions and activity are interwoven at different analysis levels, it is associated to the notion of information space that users enact during their activities, and enables to study at the individual level what could be called a phenomenology of digital inscriptions. In the second chapter of the document, I focus on explicit information spaces that users enact during knowledge work, and detail the notions of interpretation systems within which inscriptions of knowledge circulate. I present my work on video active reading and the Advene project. In the third chapter, I propose to define traces as inscriptions that are used during an activity as signs of the past, and I discuss the notion of interpretation systems that are dedicated to traces. I present my work on such systems, along first the Musette (Modelling Users and Tasks to Traces Experience) approach and then the mTBS (Modelled Trace-Based systems) approach.
      Examination committee: Nathalie Aussenac (Directeur de Recherche, CNRS, Toulouse; referee), Bruno Bachimont (Enseignant-Chercheur HDR, UT Compiè̀gne; referee), Sylvie Leleu-Merviel (Professeur, Université de Valenciennes; referee), Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (Professeur, Université Paris-Sud; examiner), Catherine Garbay (Directeur de Recherche, CNRS, Grenoble; examiner), Alain Mille (Professeur, Université Lyon 1; examiner), Pascal Salembier (Professeur, UT Troyes; examiner).
      Show abstract

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  • Illustration for project EPISTEME

    EPISTEME: Transdisciplinary epistemology of digital technologies

    Data Visualization Digital Instruments Interpretation Systems Reflective Systems Trace-based Activity Analysis

    Work on data analysis of astrophysical research activity, producing datavisualizations that highligh different processes related to observations, the organization of working groups, as well as the software "black boxes".


    Partners: IRI Centre Pompidou, LINA, LIRIS, CHS Paris 1, CEA Irfu, France Televisions, Mediapart
    Funding: French National Research Agency (ANR)
    Beginning: 2014-10-01
    End: 2018-02-28

    Additional comments

    The aim of this transdisciplinary program EPISTEME is first to identify the most characteristic aspects of the transformation of two chosen disciplines (astrophysics, history) in their relations to their objects under the effect of digital formalization. The other goal is to design instruments for the scientific communities of peers that allow contributive categorization, to support debates and controversies, based on the concept of transindividuation, and to articulate bottom-up -stemming from individual research activities- and top down processes -more or less local, laboratory-, school- or discipline-wide certification processes from peer community debates.

    We developed the Herschel Mission Explorer. We are currently working on a second version that will feature a general design overhaul.

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    Illustration for project EPISTEME Illustration for project EPISTEME Illustration for project EPISTEME
  • Illustration for project PAPM

    PAPM: Progressive Analytics and Pattern Mining

    Data Visualization Interpretation Systems Progressive analytics

    The project concentrates on the main difficulty of interactive mining, which is not post-mining interaction, nor pre-interaction mining, rather interaction and mining occurring at the same time. We focus on interaction for progressive analytics, our application is in progressive pattern mining of frequent event sequences of user activity traces.


    Partners: LS2N
    Funding: PhD funding
    Beginning: 2015-10-01
    End: 2018-12-31

    Related publications

    • Vincent Raveneau, Julien Blanchard, Yannick Prié. (2018) Progressive sequential pattern mining: steerable visual exploration of patterns with PPMT in Visualization in Data Science (VDS at IEEE VIS 2018), Berlin, Germany, 2018. [AR:30%] Show abstract
    • Vincent Raveneau, Julien Blanchard, Yannick Prié. (2016) Towards an open-source tool for pattern-based progressive analytics on interaction traces in Workshop "Event Event" at IEEE VIS 2016, Baltimore. 3p. Show abstract
    • Katy Tcha-Tokey, Toinon Vigier, Yannick Prié. (2016) Towards an Affordance-Based Approach for Scenario Modeling and Experience Assessment in VR in IEEE VIS 2016, Baltimore. oct. 2016. 2p (Poster) Show abstract

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    Illustration for project PAPM

Select another theme:    Accessibility Affordances Data Visualization Digital Instruments Document Engineering Experience analysis and modelling Hypervideos Immersive Analytics Interpretation Systems Knowledge Engineering Learning Analytics Patient Experience Progressive analytics Reflective Systems Technology-Enhanced Learning Trace-based Activity Analysis Trace-based Systems VR and Psychotherapy Video Annotations Virtual Reality